How Chiropractic Care Can Help Learning Difficulties

August 1, 2022

Learning disabilities can significantly affect the quality of life of the individuals affected. Having said that, the five most common learning disabilities include; dyslexia, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and processing deficits.

Literature suggests that 30% of prescribed medication for learning disabilities and behavioural disorders show no significant results, while many children experience side-effects to these drugs. As a result, parents are turning to alternative holistic approaches and one of these includes chiropractic care.

This article will discuss what experts and the research community have to say about the impact of chiropractic care on learning difficulties.

But First What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care refers to hands-on spinal adjustments and mobilization of other soft tissue. Practitioners aim to re-align the spine and musculoskeletal structures, to guide the body to function optimally and heal itself. This will ultimately also improve muscle tension, circulation, and joint mobility.

Experts believe that biomechanical and structural impairments of the spine may have an impact on the nervous system. And because chiropractic care restores functioning and alignment of the structures surrounding the nervous system, it also relieves neurological tension and, in turn, calms the nervous system.

Can chiropractic care help learning disabilities?

As previously mentioned, more and more individuals are turning to alternative approaches to manage learning difficulties. But what does the available research show?

Well, one study observed the impact of chiropractic care in 157 children with developmental delay syndromes such as; such as dyspraxia, dyslexia, ADHD, and other learning disabilities. They discovered an improvement in their performance, ability to control impulsivity, concentrate, and maintain focus and attention.

Another study monitored 4 children diagnosed with ADHD while undergoing chiropractic care. Their findings indicated an improvement in ADHD symptoms such as; impulsivity, hyperactivity, inability to focus, as well as behavioural - and emotional challenges.

Additionally, a literature review evaluated 8 studies assessing the impact of chiropractic care on learning difficulties and dyslexia. The review concluded a positive effect of chiropractic care as it improves cognitive modalities important in learning.

How does it help?

Learning, attention, focus, emotion, and behaviour are all processes controlled by various brain centres. And because chiropractic care focusses on correcting the alignment of structures surrounding the nervous system, it also has an impact on the nervous system itself.

Neural signals are the communication pathways between the central nervous system and the rest of the body. When the spine is misaligned, it has an impact on the nerves and its functioning. This then leads to altered communication with the brain and can, therefore, also impact the functioning of certain brain centres. By restoring the alignment and relieving pressure, chiropractors can effectively enhance the function of the nervous system.

Another explanation refers to the C1 and C2 vertebrae. These two vertebrae are closely related to the brainstem and blood vessels supplying the brain. When these joints are affected it can place stress on your spinal cord, brainstem and blood vessels supplying the brain of oxygen and nutrients. Fortunately, because chiropractic care aims to restore the alignment of these structures, it effectively improves brain - and brainstem functioning by enhancing circulation and relieving tension.

Bottom line

Chiropractic care can have a promising impact on individuals with learning difficulties and because of its holistic nature, it presents with very few side effects in comparison to the typical prescribed medications.

Yours in health,

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